Permanent Art Collection Exhibition

Open Tuesday Sept 12 until Wednesday Oct 4, 9:00am – 5:00pm

If you are interested displaying one or more pieces from the exhibition in your dept or reception area, please contact Terryl Atkins at for more information and your choice. Requests will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. If you have a specific request, please include a photo to make sure we have the correct piece and a photo of the space you want it installed. Restrictions may apply depending onconditions such as traffic congestion, security or exposure to direct sunlight.

A bit of history about the collection: through a generous fund from TRU each year select artworks by graduating visual arts students are purchased for the collection. There are currently around 300 works in the collection, with 140 installed throughout the public spaces on campus. This exhibition represents a selection from the archived pieces. The entire collection will soon be on a website showing those works installed in various places on campus and artworks available to choose from. Length of time for borrowing from the collection can be anywhere from two years up to 8.

If you have any other questions about the works in the collection do not hesitate to contact Terryl Atkins